It seems clear that Romney's economic policies will actually be worse for the debt than Obama's.
Resistance - That's quite a statement. What is the source you get your information from?
Well let's start with the most obvious aspect of his economic policies, his massive tax cuts. Why won't he tell voters the specifics on how it will be revenue neutral? Because he knows it will increase the debt, that's why he won't give details.
It's clear that he made this wild promise to significantly lower taxes while somehow magically offsetting the loss in tax revenue because he was pandering for votes. That's what politicians do. But now he's in the awkward stage of having to actually explain how the math works without adding to the debt. It's clear that it doesn't. Politicians make wild claims, such as the Obama administration claiming they'd get unemployment down to 5.6% during the worst recession since the Great Depression. Or Newt Gingrich's claim that if elected he'd get gas prices down to $2.50 per gallon. It's our job as informed voters to see through the bs and realize exactly what these politicians will and won't do. It's clear Romney would go down the exact same economic path George W. Bush did by lowering taxes and increasing spending.
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that extending the Bush tax cuts to 2020 would add $3.3 trillion to the debt. Keep in mind Romney would add even more to that debt since he wants an across the board 20% cut on top of what was supposed to be the temporary rates Bush passed.
Obama's proposed tax plan is simply more fiscally conservative and won't add as much to the debt in comparison to Romney's. This country is pulling out of the recession, we're much better off than four years ago when we were losing over 800,000 jobs per month. The dumbest thing we could do is go right back to the policies that led us into the recession in the first place.